Sunday, August 9, 2015

Announcement: Taking a break and launching a new website

I know I haven't been as active on here lately. I've moved from Newcastle back to Canberra and I'm trying to get settled back into a bit of a routine. In the meantime, I've also been clocking up the kilometres to play gigs with Tortured and Namazu between Newcastle, Sydney and Canberra lately, which would be great to do an update on when I can. Not the least of which because I got to play with two amazing bands: The Black Dahlia Murder, and one of my favourite technical death metal bands, Psycroptic.

I just wanted to write a quick announcement to say I'll be putting my personal blog on hold for a little bit, while I shift my focus to another endeavour. Namely, getting my SAS Base Programmer certification. The exam is in November, so I'm going to be studying my arse off the next couple of months. I've started another blog/website to share my study notes with the world. The address is if you want to check it out. You might even learn something yourself!

I've still got plenty of stuff churning through my brain that I want to write about, but I'll have to postpone for a little bit while I focus on getting my SAS qualification.
