Quick update today - so I've burnt through a couple of eBooks that I've had sitting around lately. While I'm not going to count them as part of my reading goal due to their short length (less than 50 pages containing a lot of graphics and white space), I thought they might be useful for others. Click the title to view and/or download.
A basic, step-by-step introduction to the many social media platforms out there and how to use them to build an army of fans. Courtesy of
Disc Makers.
The Done List is a new technique I've been trying out to try to shift my perspective on productivity. It focuses on reflecting and celebrating the progress you make each day. The eBook explains a bit of the rationale behind the practice - why it works and (obviously) why you should be using iDoneThis. If you're interested, iDoneThis is a webapp which automatically sends you an email at the end of each day asking you what you got done. Over time, the emails dig up your older responses (this is what you did a month ago, or three months ago etc.), allowing you to see the progress you've made during that time. I've found it quite useful and motivating. The eBook is courtesy of